Monday, May 18, 2009

It's been a while .... I know!

Hello again, it has been a long while. Obviously i am not very good at this :) Well lets see where to start. Yet again life has completely changes: I am studying to be a phelbotomist and hopefully while you are reading this I will be working in the field :) I am still working towards my RN. Joe and I are doing very well, bought our first house and just might start our family soon .... so stay posted! Will try to keep everyone posted, leave us notes, or emails or look us up on myspace or face book. hope to talk you soon.


Allison said...

Yay! I hope you keep at your blogging... it gives me something to do when I have a few minutes at work. :)

The Mo You Know said...
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The Mo You Know said...

I second Allison's comment! Also, where'd you guys buy your house?

Anonymous said...

not doin so good at this blogging thingy, keep up with the pics, post some of your new house, its a nice way for folks from PA to see what is goin on out in CA