Monday, January 09, 2006

we're back :)

Before the wedding. My mom and Joe and I made a trip to see Uncle Dick

This is a skyline view of alcatraz. We went on a tour of San Francisco for our honeymoon. I just think its funny we went to the ROCK ;)

Here's Joe in the isolation cell.

We are pleased to announce we have DSL. Makes blogging so much easier. We have been very busy with traveling to UCLA for my grandpa, and also taking down what little christmas decorations we had up. The sad part was I didn't take a picture of our first platform. We do have some new pictures and i will get our wedding pictures out on the next blog. I am home sick so I have some time on my hands!

Here we are Christmas at Disneyland. My boss

gave the employees and our spouses a trip for


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Richanna,
You guys are so cute, and I love your blog.
Still in Houston, looks like we will be here awhile.
Can't wait to see more of your pictures.
Aunt Fran